Pre-natal Yoga
Prenatal Yoga classes are specifically aimed at pregnant women from week 12 and until the moment of delivery, and provided they are not contraindicated by medical prescription, so it is advisable to consult with the gynecologist first.

They are classes designed considering the particular conditions that a pregnant woman presents, in which usual postures in a conventional class such as deep torsions, back hyperextensions or inverted asanas, all of them beneficial in normal conditions, are adapted some or eliminated others to avoid counterproductive effects.
Standing asanas are enhanced, which improve the usual body posture and help eliminate back pain, as well as the asanas that strengthen the lower back, the pelvic floor and those that improve the opening of the hips.
They are small groups (6 to 10 women) in which a special environment is created that promotes the connection with oneself and with your baby.
Please, note that the classes are in spanish.